ARIES provides an easy way to toggle between just non-EEPROM and EEPROM writes.

<aside> 💡 A non-EEPROM write is where the ethernet chipset on the BotBlox device is written to, but the EEPROM is not. This results in the configuration being volatile (it will reset on a power cycle).


<aside> 💡 An EEPROM write is where the ethernet chipset and the EEPROM on the BotBlox device is written to. This results in the configuration being non-volatile (it will be retained on a cycle). There is no limit to how many times the EEPROM can be written to.


  1. Open ARIES and go to the EEPROM tab.


  1. Click READ EEPROM Contents to check the current contents of the EEPROM. Anything that gets displayed in EEPROM Contents is a command that will be configured on power up. For a fresh board, EEPROM contents will be empty (all 00s). You can restore the EEPROM Contents to factory conditions by clicking Erase EEPROM Contents.
  2. Click Record user input for EEPROM. Now ARIES will capture any writes from the other tabs, however it will not write to the EEPROM just yet.


  1. Go back to another of the tabs and perform the switch configuration desired. In the example below we performed 7 raw register writes. Note that ARIES displays the 7 raw register writes in EEPROM Configuration to write, but ARIES has not yet written these to the EEPROM contents in the device.

<aside> 💡 Just like with Serial Command Capture, the EEPROM configuration is only captured when the user presses the Write Config on any of the other tabs.



  1. Now that the desired configuration has been captured in the EEPROM Configuration to write, the user can either click Clear Config to reset EEPROM Configuration to write (if they made a mistake), or click Write to EEPROM if they are ready to write the captured configuration to the onboard EEPROM. The user can the click READ EEPROM Contents to check the configurations were indeed written to the EEPROM.


<aside> 💡 At this point, the configuration is non-volatile. This can be verified by power-cycling the board, and reading the EEPROM contents again.
