Not all configuration features in ARIES are complete or fully tested, so at times it may be necessary to perform raw register read and writes to physically set the contents of the registers on the BotBlox Device. This will be the case when the user has reached out to BotBlox support, and BotBlox support have provided a list of registers to write to.

  1. Go the the Raw Reg Access tab. In the example below, we are not recording serial.


  1. Enter in the specific PHY, REG and DATA values to configure individual registers inside the BotBlox device.
  2. Depending on how you want to input the values, you may wish to change the Display Format. In most cases, Decimal is the simplest way to input values.
  3. Click Write when are ready to write a PHY and REG with specific data.
  4. After performing a write to a specific PHY and REG combination It is useful to read the value back from that combination using the Read Register panel.