Recording the serial commands sent to the switch for a specific configuration allows the user to export these serial commands to an external device, so that the BotBlox device can be configured on an external device without needing to use BotBlox ARIES.

  1. Open ARIES connect to a BotBlox board.
  2. Click Record Serial. The LED to the right should turn RED to indicate that any serial commands send to or received from the BotBlox Device.


  1. Configure the device as desired, and click write config. In this example we are configuring port-based VLAN.


  1. Go to the Serial Command Capture tab. You should now see all the serial commands that were sent to the BotBlox Device, as well as the serial commands received in response.


These serial commands are displayed in hexadecimal format, but you may want to display them in raw ASCII format instead.


  1. Click Export Sent Commands, and select a .txt file to save the raw ASCII characters to.


You can open this file to inspect the ASCII characters that were actually sent.


  1. This file can then be sent to another external device, and its raw contents can be used to configure a BotBlox board in the same way as ARIES. Alternatively to file export, you can also just copy-paste the raw ASCII characters displayed directly in ARIES.

<aside> 💡 The received serial commands show the acknowledgement messages that were sent from the BotBlox board in respond to the serial commands sent from the PC. These can also be used on another device to check whether the BotBlox board was correctly configured.

For more information on the underlying structure of the serial commands, refer to the page below.

SwitchBlox firmware programming guide
